Sunday, May 03, 2009

watched Cats wif Xin n Ver, Ver's bf and her mum today! happy!!!

okiez... i need to get this out of my mind first!!!!

Memory~~~~~~ All alone in the moonlight~~~
I can smile at the old days....
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was~~~~~~~~~
Let the memory live again....

it is my favourite part of the song "memory". hahahahaa... reminds u of the days when happiness was within grasp and nothing seems too complicated. Smtimes it's really memory tt is more touching n harder to let go than reality itself.

me n Xin...

hahaha.. Ver n her spouse n her mum's photo i tink is wif xin.. =X

Packed theatre despite being second last day

i risked my life for this photo

while we were hving break.. he zoomed past

Sakura-ed at YCK stadium before gg to Xin's hse for a tour at haunted hello kitty land. since there were many pics.. to protect privacy... i took the most impt thing... *names r deleted fr e photo to protect privacy too*

good way of reminding ur spouse nt to fgt anniversaries! wahahahahhahaa..... I heard the "gf" purposely put so many heart-shapes i love u and bigger than life-size photos/ posters were meant to ward off other gals he might bring home.... not a bad idea! LOL...

and yes yes..... hot date in June! Start planning where to eat!

Les Miserables... HOT DATE IN 2011! WOOHOOOO

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